Epicurious travel is an accredited full member of the Council of Australian Tour Operators. CATO is the peak travel industry body exclusively representing the domestic and outbound land-supply sector of the Australian travel industry. Full Members are CATO Accredited tour operators and wholesalers that sign up to our member code of conduct, ensuring integrity in advertising and delivery of high quality travel experiences.

Dear Guest,
We are continuing to live through a time in history which is quite extraordinary, as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in every aspect of our lives. Our thoughts and very best wishes go out to all members of the Epicurious Travel family across the globe. We are delighted to see international travel returning as vaccination numbers increase and the science and medical communities increase their understanding and treatment of the virus.
Epicurious Travel has always taken a serious approach to the comfort and safety of our guests and staff, and changes to our knowledge and understanding of this highly infectious virus necessitated an enhancement of our procedures.
We will continue to be guided by the advice that we receive and will update these measures in response to government guidelines in order to safeguard the health of our guests and staff.
Thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty to Epicurious Travel, and allow me to assure you that our tours will still offer the same level of care, sense of adventure and quality experience they have always done.
With warm wishes,
Jennifer Wilkinson
Epicurious Travel
In the days before travel, should you develop COVID-19 symptoms (including fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, new loss of taste or smell), it is imperative that you get tested and remain at home until receiving your results.
Your tour host or lead guide will be your designated COVID Marshall and will be responsible for maintaining all of the required recommendations for the duration of a tour. Many destinations have no restrictions in place any more, however this can change at short notice. As a participant on an Epicurious Travel journey you will be expected to abide by your tour host’s directives in relation to reducing the risk of community transmission of COVID-19 as well as support them in complying with local guidelines. This may include temperature checks and mask wearing. Some of our journeys involve visits to vulnerable communities where vigilance is imperative.
Our aim is to provide a vehicle which is more than adequate in size to enable group members to spread out comfortably. All vehicles will be air-conditioned, regularly cleaned and well maintained. Wearing of masks may be required when travelling in a shared vehicle, and definitely by anyone who is symptomatic.
- Utilise the supplied hand sanitiser, disposable face masks, anti-bacterial wet wipes and tissues.
- Thorough hand-washing and the wearing of face masks have been identified as two of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus.
- Practice safe coughing & sneezing practices. Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose and mouth.
- During both indoor & outdoor excursions, try to maintain physical distancing between yourself and others and consider wearing a mask in crowds.
- Take extra care around vulnerable people.
If an individual becomes unwell during the tour and a case of COVID-19 is suspected, our staff member will safely isolate the individual and arrange for testing.
If the individual cannot be separated from the group, they will be required to wear an approved mask.
Whilst awaiting results, the tour leader will advise all known individuals who were close contacts with the suspected case to be vigilant about the onset of symptoms and minimise their movement.
The tour leader will implement a process for cleaning and disinfection of high touch areas frequented by the affected person whilst awaiting the results.
For a confirmed case the tour leader will work with the client directly to come to an arrangement which will best suit their needs and level of illness.
Responsible Tourism
Often the most interesting and spectacular places we want to visit are also some of the most ecologically and culturally sensitive in the world. EPIcURIOUS travel believes that through our commitment to responsible and ethical tourism it is possible for these uniquely special places and communities to remain special, protected and benefit directly from visitation
In Australia and overseas we aim to support and benefit the communities into which we venture and ensure no negative social, economic or environmental impact results from our visit.
We achieve this by keeping our group numbers very low, using locally owned suppliers, local guides and staying in small-scale accommodation where available. We ensure the communities we visit do receive the economic benefit and are not overwhelmed by our presence.
Travelling with EPIcURIOUS you will encounter authentic experiences and meaningful connections with the local people giving you a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues.